The latest from around Pennsylvania



Gov. Tom Wolf proposes new tax on cable television, movie tickets and more

Posted: February 9, 2016
  • An 11 percent increase to the personal income tax.
  • A 6.5 percent tax on natural gas drillers operating in the Marcellus shale region.
  • A 6 percent sales tax on basic cable TV, movie theater tickets and digital downloads.
  • A .5 percent tax on fire, property and liability casualty insurance premiums for individuals and businesses.
  • A $1 tax on a pack of cigarettes and a 40 percent tax on cigars, tobacco chewers and vaporized e-cigarette smokers, all of which are not taxed now.
  • An 8 percent tax on casino slot machine and table gaming winnings and a 3.4 percent tax on Pennsylvania Lottery jackpots.
  • An 11 percent increase on the banking industry.

Turzai: New Wolf budget same tomfoolery

Posted: February 9, 2016

Three fiscally responsible budgets for 2015-16 were placed on the governor’s desk, none requiring increases in personal income tax or sales tax.  Each budget funded public education at record levels.  Further, each fully funded every core state government function, including human services and corrections.

Greenleaf Launches Website to Advocate for Donate Life PA Act

Posted: February 9, 2016

Senator Greenleaf recently launched a new website, SenatorGreenleaf,com/organ-donation, to raise support for his legislation to increase organ donations in Pennsylvania.

Wolf Borrows $2 Billion

Posted: January 11, 2016

While campaigning in 2014, Wolf ran several ads criticizing then-Gov. Tom Corbett for taking out a $1.5 billion loan to cover, prompting some to question his latest move.

Representative Adolph retiring

Posted: January 11, 2016

State Rep. William Adolph, who has represented the 165th district since 1988, revealed that his fourteenth term will be his last.

Tom Wolf’s Disastrous First Year: Pennsylvania’s Low Self-Esteem

Posted: January 11, 2016

In anticipation of Tom Wolf’s anniversary as Governor, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania is taking a look back on some of the major issues that occurred  during his first year in office.

State Representative Tom Killion Selected As The Nominee for the 9th Senatorial District Special Election

Posted: January 11, 2016

168th District State Representative Tom Killion has been selected as the Republican nominee for the upcoming 9th Senatorial District Special Election.

Governor’s Line-Item Veto Releases Critical Money for Schools, Human Service Agencies; Keeps Government Operating

Posted: January 11, 2016

“Gov. Tom Wolf did what he could have and should have done more than 180 days ago –drive out appropriated dollars to help children and victims throughout Pennsylvania”

Statement by Senate Leaders on Gov. Wolf’s Decision To Release State Funding Approved by Legislature

Posted: January 11, 2016

“We support the governor’s long-overdue decision to release emergency funding approved by the legislature to help schools and social service agencies. This is something we have been advocating for over many months and is exactly why we sent him a budget last week – to release money that has been collected and is being held by the state to schools and communities.”

Read the rest of the joint statement by clicking below

Senate Votes to Authorize Transportation Network Companies Statewide

Posted: December 15, 2015

The Senate approved legislation that will authorize transportation network companies like Uber and Lyft to operate legally statewide. It will set minimum standards to ensure safe and responsible operation. Companies and drivers will have to have proper insurance coverage, meet vehicle safety requirements, and report accidents.

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