The Pennsylvania Future Fund is a pro-growth political action committee that has been improving the business environment since 2001.


Our Mission

Our members are dedicated to improving Pennsylvania as a place to live, work and do business. The strength of our organization comes from individuals just like you.

We believe in Pennsylvania

We believe in Pennsylvania.

We believe in Pennsylvania

Why join PA Future Fund?

The Future Fund encourages and supports the election of candidates who share its member’s vision for Pennsylvania’s future—a future in which Pennsylvania’s business and commerce will continue to grow stronger.


Representative Torren Ecker

Each month, we will shine a spotlight on individual or groups making a difference in Pennsylvania politics.


Pa. Senate panel approves review into rape kit testing standards

The General Assembly set standards for testing rape kits in a timely manner in Act 27 of 2015, but today more than 1,200 kits have been sitting untested…

We believe in Pennsylvania

Strength is in the numbers.

The Future Fund has hundreds of members that span our Commonwealth. We are like-minded individuals committed to maintaining Pennsylvania as an economic hub.